Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rita's Week

Hello fellow Mamas!  As you read through my menus this week, please have mercy.  I am *just* now learning how to plan and prepare meals.  Which is pathetic since I'm a 36 year old stay at home mother of two.

Here's a link to my one and only New Year's resolution.  (Learn to Plan and Prepare Meals)

And before I start on my actual recipes, I thought I'd show you what I've been using to both plot out my week's worth of meals, and procure the groceries.

I bought this at Target for about 3 bucks.  So far it's working GREAT!

I also bought this book. 

So far I've tried three of the recipes and they've all turned out good!  I figure that's worth the $20 price tag!

Happy cooking everyone! And a big 'ol Texas-sized THANK  YOU to Monica for dreaming up this blog and coordinating our schedule.  You are my hero!

 - Rita


  1. Ah, you are too kind! Really, I only did this because of your cooking post! You were my muse...

    I looked all over Target today for the cool weekly menu thingy. No luck. Also, the lemon chicken doesn't exist in my little store. I guess I am off to visit the Super Target this week.

  2. I learned a NEW word reading your blog. NO, not "damn" for goodness sake. Craptasticly. Or was it Craptasically? I just LOVE newly coined words, and appreciate you sharing this one with us!
