Sunday, February 20, 2011

Now you're going to think I'm crazy, but......

This is one of the meals we like at our house.  It's easy and quick.  And cheap.

Remember KFC Bowls?  And the commercials were awful, it's a BOWL full of chicken potatoes, cheese and gravy.  All together?  And it was like $4 each.

I made fun of them.  I made gagging noises.  And then one day I TRIED one, and it was so good.

So then we started making them ourselves.

You'll need:
Bag of frozen chicken nugget type things.  I like Great Value Popcorn Chicken at Walmart.
Bag of shredded cheese.  I like Colby-Jack.
Packet of chicken gravy mix.
Box of mashed potato flakes.  I use Idaho Spuds.
Can of corn.  Or frozen.  Whatever.

Allright.  Cook the nuggets, make the potatoes, heat the corn, make the gravy. You can do all of these things at the same time, and it will take you about 20 minutes.

Then layer it up:  potatoes first, some gravy, cheese, corn, chicken, more gravy.  It's excellent nosh.

and if your child doesn't things should touch each other, you can separate them out too and still have a meal....

So...... your opinion of me just went down, didn't it?  
try them..... you'll like them.....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this terribly refreshing recipe. Gross, but I love the transparancy here!!!! ( :
